Brad Byrne

Top 4 challenges facing studio owners

At LegitFit we have years of experience in the fitness industry from all perspectives. We have spoken to thousands of studio owners, members and enthusiasts and we see the same problems over and over. Here are some of the main issues that we see and how we can help you overcome them. 

Common frustrations studio owners face

Lack of quality support 

There is nothing more frustrating as a studio owner than having to wait on a call for support to help you out with an issue. You can be on the call for hours pulling your hair out and still not get your issue resolved. Not to mention when you finally do get in touch with the support it can be lackluster at best. This wasted time can be a huge source of stress for studio owners as it takes you away from your business and loses you money. 

How we help: 

At LegitFit we have friendly well trained staff on hand to handle any issue you may have. We have customer service representatives all over the world all trained to the same high standard. We have handled thousands of queries and never found one that we can resolve. Check out for yourself why our customers rate us so highly! 

Management software letting you down 

Another huge source of frustration for studio owners is their software not doing what it says on the tin. Studio owners have opened up their own businesses because they love what they do and need software to support them in running their businesses. Often studio owners will be bogged down with overcomplicated, bloated software that doesn’t meet the base need of these business owners and can actually cause them more stress. This can present huge issues as your booking software is at the heart of your business and needs to be reliable and sturdy. 

How we help: 

LegitFit has been built off the back of customer feedback, with regular check-ins from our customers we have put our focus on only what matters most. That means you can trust us to be there for you day after day after day. There is a reason that we rank so highly on the app store!  When you have a reliable system you gain your time back, time you can spend focusing on the things that matter most to you. Switch to LegitFit and take control of your time. 

Enhancing customer experience

We have already talked about various sources of stress and frustration for business owners. These worries can get passed onto your customers if your software is not delivering when you need it to. Customers may grow frustrated with a buggy unresponsive system and ultimately cost you money. Your software needs to be able to cater to people of all ages and backgrounds to allow your business to thrive. 

How we help:

There is a focus on simplicity and customer satisfaction in the LegitFit software. Our system has a number of features that make it as easy to use as possible. Our timetable is colour coded to allow customers to check at a glance what classes are free and how many slots are left. We offer a class queue system that allows customers to book into a class even if it is full. This means that should someone drop out that spot is easily filled and that customer gets a pleasant surprise and you make more money! Our software is designed to be as easy to use as possible for your customers to give them the best experience possible. 

Making informed decisions 

Many studio owners who are not using management software often resort to using multiple different systems. This means they communicate with their customers on one platform, take notes on another, and take payment on another. This can be very hard to track in the long term. It can also be hard to make decisions on your business if you have no historical client or payment data. 

How we help: 

The LegitFit dashboard is designed to collect your payment and client information and display it in an easy-to-understand manner. This means that at a glance you can see how your business is performing, where you are best and where you can improve. These insights can prove to be invaluable as they offer you a chance to identify potential issues before they arise and make sure you address them. 

How to switch 

Thank you for taking the time to read our work, we hope that you got some value out of it! If you are interested in learning more you can find more of our content here. If you are looking to get a free look at our platform you can fill in your details below and one of our product specialists will be in touch!